Church Crag (Wentbridge) Topo?

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 Kieran_John 16 Feb 2021

Turns out Church Crag is my local, easily accessible (within the current guidelines) crag and up until lockdown I'd never bothered to explore it. I'm actually really enjoying it now.

I bumped in to a couple of lovely people there this weekend (Hi Molly/Ben/Ivan!) and they mentioned that they'd seen a topo some time ago for the place.

There's one on 27crags that looks incomplete when compared to this list of problems here on UKC, the harder overhanging section of wall is in the new Boulder Britain guide, and it's also in my old 1993 Yorkshire Limestone guide but only in the esoterica section with no problems listed.

I've tried Unknown Stones and a few of the other 'usual' places but with no luck. So I thought I'd put out a call for help here. I'm pretty useless at figuring out problems based on the UKC description alone

Post edited at 10:00
 UKB Shark 16 Feb 2021
In reply to Kieran_John:

A lot of the problems are covered on this lovely video

OP Kieran_John 16 Feb 2021
In reply to UKB Shark:

Thanks! That is a lovely vid! I've managed to tick the first problem in that video, unfortunately I'm firmly in "punter" territory, so most of the rest on that wall are 7a upwards and beyond me. Though I'm having fun trying, and making SOME progress on the 2nd one in that video.

There's another wall there (Wentbridge Wall) just to the right, with some much lower grade problems, but everything on 27crags is just flagged as 6a (which seems wrong).

I can probably work out the problems from the UKC descriptions but I was hoping a topo might help me be lazy  

 dunnyg 16 Feb 2021
In reply to Kieran_John:

Once you have figured it out, you could put together a quick topo and contact unknown stones...

 ro8x 22 Feb 2021
In reply to Kieran_John:

I went down last night and a topo would have been useful. I climbed a few established problems and likely some eliminates too, either way it just felt good to be back on rock! 

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