Borrowdale Troutdale parking

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Re BMC and FRCC access reps:

Is anyone trying to get the unnecessary logs removed from the closed Troutdale parking? In the original rockfall, the smallest stones didn't even reach the fence at the back.

With the valley rammed, it would help local climbers access to their local crags, particularly mid-week, for this parking to be made available again.

I see no reason to have it closed, there was no reason to close it in the first place.


In reply to Dave Cumberland:

An overnight visit with a chainsaw and a trailer might stock someone's log store for the winter. 

In reply to Presley Whippet:


 coldfell 01 Sep 2021
In reply to Dave Cumberland:

The problem is they are bolted to the ground!  I initially phoned the NT to complain/ask for them to be removed at least from the first parking space - perhaps a lot more calls to NT would help. Other irrational policies since the start of lockdown seem to include closing public loos throughout the Lakes. As for access to NT properties and YHA, grrr don't get me started!

In reply to coldfell:

Keep quiet about the loos or that's another 2 parking spaces gone. 

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