Carn Gowla birds nesting on America and Mercury

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 Rob Seymour 14 Jun 2022

BMC RAD has just been updated for Carn Gowla: schedule one birds are nesting on Mercury as well as America, climbing on America Buttress and between The Baptist Cliff and C Buttress is restricted until 30 June 2022. Carn GowlaAmerica (E4 5c)Mercury (E2 5b) 

 fly or die 14 Jun 2022
In reply to Rob Seymour:

Very important to stay away from these sensitive area

Message Removed 15 Jun 2022
Reason: comment removed due to sensitive information
 Iain Peters 30 Jun 2022
In reply to Rob Seymour:

Further news regarding the ban on climbing in the areas highlighted by Rob. Negotiations are at a very sensitive stage. I am BMC Access Rep for the Atlantic Coast, have a site meeting with the NT Head Ranger next week and there are other intiiatives ongoing with both the NT and Natural England.
In the meanwhile can I please request that the ban is respected. I understand that the birds have not fledged. The crags are in an SSSI like much of this coast. There are other issues about climbing here and along the coast to the South as far as Godrevy, so for the present, I suggest climbing elsewhere. I am absolutely on the case and hope that together with the BMC we can come to an agreed arrangement with the stakeholders to ensure reasonable access to this superb area bearing in mind that we as climbers also have to recognise that we share these crags with often threatened fauna and flora so it is in all our interests to respect any necessary restrictions for conservation reasons. Necessary is the operative word here.
The ban will be extended for a further period and updated on  BMC  RAD and other social media platforms such as UKC. Thanks.

Post edited at 20:23
 FactorXXX 30 Jun 2022
In reply to Iain Peters:

Thanks for the updates.
However, can you clarify if new dates are in place as both UKC and BMC RAD have the restrictions being lifted as of tomorrow (01/07/22).

 james mann 01 Jul 2022
In reply to FactorXXX:

The RAD should be updated today with a restriction being placed from Triple Buttress to the Sewage Pipe Cliffs inclusive. This will be initially until the end of July but should be lifted once birds have fledged. This means that for the time being, Journey to Ixtlan should not be climbed, nor any of the routes to the South of the Sewage Pipe. Negotiations in terms of access, are at a delicate stage and it is  important for future access that climbers respect this restriction and do nothing that could be seen as inflammatory whether we like it or not. There are many crags on the Atlantic Coast and it may be helpful in terms of future access at Carn Gowla and other crags to climb elsewhere for the time being. The BMC, local climbers and Atlantic Coast guidebook team are working hard with the landowner to resolve this situation positively for climbers. 

James Mann

 FactorXXX 01 Jul 2022
In reply to james mann:

> The RAD should be updated today with a restriction being placed from Triple Buttress to the Sewage Pipe Cliffs inclusive. This will be initially until the end of July but should be lifted once birds have fledged.

I know that a lot of the work done around this is done by volunteers, but is there any reason why the information on UKC and the BMC RAD couldn't have been updated as soon as the new restrictions were known?
As it stands, someone could look at UKC/RAD and assume that the restrictions had been lifted.

 james mann 01 Jul 2022
In reply to FactorXXX:

This is an evolving situation. Huge numbers of hours have been spent already. We are trying our best as local volunteers. I understand the frustration but please be patient. 

James Mann

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