Fly wall

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 jon_gill1 10 Oct 2021

Just a message to firstly thank all those who helped in today’s rescue of my two friends and the kind climber that called emergency services for me whilst I dealt with them. It was much appreciated! I’m afraid the shock of it all meant I can’t remember your name but thank you!

A warning to others that a large block came off Moth today on pitch 2. It looked like there wasn’t much debris left there but just to be aware. It appears it’s the second block to come off Fly wall this weekend from another post I’ve read about.

Both climbers have now been released from hospital and wish to also thank everybody who helped in any way. It looks that they should both fully recover from their numerous injuries.

all climbers involved were thankfully wearing helmets and this goes to show they do their job! 

stay Safe everyone

Wintour's LeapMoth (HS 4b)

 PaulJepson 10 Oct 2021
In reply to jon_gill1:

Saw all the blues and twos at Woodcroft. Glad they'll be okay.

OP jon_gill1 11 Oct 2021
In reply to PaulJepson:

Thanks Paul

 nniff 11 Oct 2021
In reply to jon_gill1:

Glad you are all OK.  It was me who called the emergency services for you - we moved on when we'd done all we could and were just getting in the way.  You did a fine job looking after them both.

We were distinctly cautious thereafter and viewed loose blocks with the greatest of suspicion



Post edited at 10:50
OP jon_gill1 11 Oct 2021
In reply to nniff:

I did think it was Adrian but couldn’t be sure! Thank you so much for all your help and keeping me updated as that ledge felt quite a lonely place to be. I hope it didn’t impact on your day in too much of a negative way!

I’ve climbed that route many times so it just goes to show we need to treat things with caution even when we know them very well.

All the best


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