Possible developments at the National Stone Centre

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 TobyA 06 Apr 2023

I did one of the 'new' routes at The National Stone Centre earlier in the week. Full access for climbers to the higher quarries, above Colehill quarry where people have climbed much more regularly, was only negotiated last year - which is great. But Google News, that clearly tracks my life and interests far more closely than GCHQ, found this news article today:

If it goes ahead I imagine it may well change access again! Do any locals know anymore about the chance of this development going ahead?

 Bolehillbilly Global Crag Moderator 07 Apr 2023
In reply to TobyA:

Hi Toby,

The redevelopment of the centre will definitely go ahead but the building work won't have any impact on access to the climbing at the NSC. The Institute of Quarrying are very positive about welcoming climbers onto the site. 

The only caveat is that at some point there may be some building work in the western end of North East Quarry which could potentially mean some very short term term restrictions, but that's a way into the future. If this is the case it will be well signposted. 

All good news, nice to see things getting a bit of traffic.

OP TobyA 07 Apr 2023
In reply to Bolehillbilly:

That's great to hear. And if you were involved in the access negotiation - thank you very much! Somehow it's nice to stroll around the outside area of the Stone Centre and have a look in the various quarries without worrying you're about to be told to clear off by someone in a hard hat and a high viz tabard. Whilst the rock isn't perfect it's an oddly pleasant spot. The coffee is nice in their cafe as well.

Even last Tuesday, which I guess is only a holiday for teachers like me, there were loads of folk in Colehill, a team getting ready to climb something in NE Quarry and we went to Coal Hills and there was another team that arrived in the time it took me to redpoint Mithered (5c), the crag's warm up. I know. The shame of it. I'm currently blaming the lingering effects of a nasty virus I had a few weeks ago. Surely there has to be some reason beyond me being even more rubbish than normal when I'm failing to onsight 5c! <facepalm emoji> 

 Bolehillbilly Global Crag Moderator 08 Apr 2023
In reply to TobyA:

I've not climbed Mithered but Coal Hills is a bit steeper and I find it takes a visit to get used to the rock. This is probably the best season for Coal Hills before the leaves come out when it can feel a bit more humid.

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