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 Bottom Clinger 08 Oct 2022

Here’s some Pavement, a band worthy of more chat and play;

 cragtyke 08 Oct 2022
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Saw them in '91 supporting Sonic Youth in Leeds, Malkmus wandering around the crowd after their set asking people what they thought. Damn good night out.

 magma 08 Oct 2022
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

got into them through their Peel sessions - probably on a tape somewhere but i see available on utube. another US band of that era that i like are tortoise (peel session also available)

 65 08 Oct 2022
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Great, I love Pavement.

 TobyA 08 Oct 2022
In reply to cragtyke:

> Saw them in '91 supporting Sonic Youth in Leeds, Malkmus wandering around the crowd after their set asking people what they thought. Damn good night out.

I saw them support Sonic Youth too, at Glasgow Barrowlands - are you sure it was 91 though? Because it must have been 92 or 93 when I saw them I think as i didn't start uni until Sept. 92.

Wasn't it Pavement whose drummer was much old and a bit of an alcoholic? He had to have a roadie next to him with spare drumsticks when he threw them up in the air to vigorously and didn't quite catch them!

 cragtyke 09 Oct 2022
In reply to TobyA:

Looks like it was Dec 12 '92, two days after the barrowlands gig. I thought Dirty was released in 91 but turns out it was 92. Drink had been taken then and since!

In reply to Bottom Clinger:

The deluxe release of 'Crooked Rain..' is fantastic

 TobyA 09 Oct 2022
In reply to cragtyke:

> Looks like it was Dec 12 '92, two days after the barrowlands gig. 

Cool! I remember Thurston Moore playing guitar with a screwdriver until all the strings snapped and how my ears rang for a good few days after. Quite a sonic experience! 😆

 MonkeyPuzzle 09 Oct 2022
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Loves me some Pavement. Albums you can just get lost in.

In a similar-ish vein I rediscovered dEUS the other day. In A Bar Under The Sea is an underrated classic.

 ThunderCat 09 Oct 2022
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Assumed from the title you'd had a fall on the path outside and were looking to sue the council. 😂. Never heard of them... I shall have a butchers 

 HakanT 09 Oct 2022
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

I managed to see the first two nights of the Brighten the Corners tour in Boston, MA in 1997. Actually, in Cambridge if you want to be picky. And if you live in Cambridge, you probably do.

They are playing four nights at The Round House in Camden at the end of the month. Bringing my daughter to share the love with the next generation. Only one night this time, though.

 greg_may_ 09 Oct 2022
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Wowee Zowee has a special, if sad place in my heart, I listened to it a lot on tape (kids ask your parents) while my grandfather was in hospital and we were in every day waiting on the inevitable. Two weeks, pretty much just that album.  Some of it still makes me a bit teary because of it. Odd as it's pretty much the only music that does that to me and I don't have it as a negative memory. 

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