A5 parking in Ogden valley

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 d508934 29 Mar 2023

Saw that both sides of the A5 along Llyn Ogwen were due to be given double yellows a week or two ago - wondered if anyone has visited this week and can advise if parking now completely impossible or if there are legit layby options still 

cheers in advance! 

OP d508934 29 Mar 2023
In reply to d508934:

Should of course say ‘Ogwen valley’…

Post edited at 09:46
 Tyler 29 Mar 2023
In reply to d508934:

There is lay by parking but will inevitably fill up quickly. I went by bus a couple of weeks ago and that worked well

 Justaname 29 Mar 2023
In reply to d508934:

Just to re-open that kettle of worms, why don't they build a proper, disguised car park somewhere. All this does is create other parking problems on the road side where there are no restrictions, same could be said for many other areas of the national parks.

In the Peak District they don't want to expand existing car parks (the one at Plantation has plenty of extra space that is never open) as this will only encourage cars in to the park, but then cars park all over the verges.

 CantClimbTom 29 Mar 2023
In reply to d508934:

See if he's still selling it? I reckon you'd be able to park it there and the parking enforcement wouldn't realise

Post edited at 16:49
In reply to CantClimbTom:

"He spent £2,000 covering the family car in fur and modifying it until it became an exact replica of Floss, his favourite sheep dog" 

An <i>exact</i> replica?!?! 

 LJones14 30 Mar 2023
In reply to d508934:

As of last Thursday the large layby was still functional near the foot of Tryfan, as was a small one further west,  after that there was also that small carpark next to Llyn Ogwen (not referring to the Idwal one) being used. The double-yellows just seemed to be sensibly placed from what i can tell, unlike the art attack episode going on at Moel Famau.

In reply to Wide_Mouth_Frog:

Or the van from Dumb and Dumber, I've heard he's a big Jim Carrey fan

In reply to Justaname:

> Just to re-open that kettle of worms, why don't they build a proper, disguised car park somewhere.....

Like the ones in Bethesda or Capel Curig for example???

How exactly would you disguise a carpark for several hundred cars within the Nant ffrancon?

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