Climbing California

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 petre 26 Aug 2023

I am planning a 3 week trip to Yosemite, Joshua and Red Rocks in October and wondered if anyone had any thoughts on whether to take a tent and use hire car and hotel rooms or to hire a camper van for the period. Any thoughts greatly appreciated!

In reply to petre:

It’s tricky. For Red Rocks I’d probably do the car and stay in the casinos west of centre or Airbnb. Van parking is a major problem with people getting ticketed and the one horrible campsite is usually booked out. For JTree and Yosemite van could be better. For the National Parks you should look at booking sites well in advance (maybe too late already) - or find free dispersed camping. Sites like The Dyrt are useful for this. These will mean commuting into the parks of course. I’d probably fly to Vegas - and after a week hotelling it there, get your van and do the other places and return the van to Vegas.

Having said that - van hire is expensive and camping in a tent is generally more pleasant than the UK - generally dry and sunny in October.

 jon 26 Aug 2023
In reply to petre:

Have you checked the cost of camper rental ? If you can afford it, then that's definitely the way to go.

 Crest Jewel 26 Aug 2023
In reply to petre:

Hire a U-Haul van. Cheapest option and sleep in it. A lot depends on what you can afford. UK camper van rentals are probably comparable. However, the £ to $ exchange rate will mean you are paying more. Buy independent vehicle insurance in the UK to cover America. This will be considerably cheaper. Do not buy the insurance from the vehicle company; it will cost you an arm and a leg. Additionally, if you haven't already booked a campsite in Yosemite it's unlikely you will be able to. That will mean you'll have to camp outside the park and commute each day. There is a 14 day restriction on the campsite in RR. Loaded weapons are prohibited 🚫. 

 Crest Jewel 26 Aug 2023
In reply to petre:

There is also Bureau Land Management (BLM) land  that you can camp on outside of the RR loop road (14 days only and then move to different site). On the road to RR (Sumerlin) you will see a lot of vans parked locally known as 'Skid Row'. This is illegal, nevertheless,  climbers stay there. Periodically,  the Police move people on. There are parking lots in Vegas such as Wholefoods, Walmart etc to camp. Mountain Project is an American Website where you can find partners and 'beta' regarding your trip. 

Post edited at 21:09
 IainL 28 Aug 2023
In reply to petre:

Tent every time. You can get a v good tent for a couple of nights accommodation. Or just a tarp. A midsize car with boot keeps all gear hidden. Also make sure you don’t get dumped with an electric car as a rental. They are hard to push when flat. 

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