Froggatt access/parking

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 ChrisBrooke 19 Jun 2023

Usually I like to park in the little lay-by on the corner below the Chequers. Over last (many many) months that the road has been 'closed' I've often been able to access that from Sheffield by turning off through the village and coming back up the hill on the A625. Sometimes that's not been possible either though, depending on the road-works
To save me a lot of driving around, what's the situation on the ground at the moment? Can you get through the village and turn left? Or even, can you get to the Chequers (and a little beyond) without having to turn off at all? 

On a side note, this must be killing the pub. It's been so long that the road has been 'closed'.

 FBSF 19 Jun 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

Road is open to the bridge by the weir, during day no through access on this road to calver. However they are still.using lay-by below chequers as a compound

Post edited at 18:59
 robert-hutton 19 Jun 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

It wouldn't be possible to park in the "little lay-by on the corner below the Chequers" as its being used by the contractor's plant.

OP ChrisBrooke 19 Jun 2023
In reply to robert-hutton:

Thanks. I discovered this myself today. I was able to park off the road just above it , but wouldn’t try that once the road is fully open and busy again.  

 TobyA 19 Jun 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

Why, if you're coming from Sheffield, don't you just use the normal parking up at the corner or just back by the road, before the Grouse?

OP ChrisBrooke 19 Jun 2023
In reply to TobyA:

Because I was climbing at the far north end of Curbar. It's about 2km from the top parking, about 2km from Curbar gap, but only 500m uphill from the Chequers. I carry three pads and prefer the short sharp walk uphill over the long slog when hauling such a heavy load. And I'm also always pushed for time in the middle of the day, so try to keep walks as short as possible. 

Post edited at 21:19
 TobyA 19 Jun 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

Is it really that far from Curbar parking? I climb down that end of Curbar from time to time, it doesn't seem that long. By the time you've fiddled about with the road closure I wonder how much time you saving going up from the bottom?

OP ChrisBrooke 20 Jun 2023
In reply to TobyA:

About 1.9km from the Froggatt bend, and similar from Curbar Gap as measured on google maps… And fortunately there’s no fiddling with the closure at the moment, so 500m up the hill makes sense for me with 3 pads on the back, a bag of shoes etc on the front. It’s a pretty uncomfortable load. 
Anyway, enough disagreeing about bouldering logistics 😂 We’re all grown-ups and can make our own decisions. I get out a fair bit and have a reasonable idea of what I’m doing. 

 deepsoup 20 Jun 2023
In reply to TobyA:

> I wonder how much time you saving going up from the bottom?

Probably not as much as you save when you go back down again from the top!

 TobyA 20 Jun 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

> Anyway, enough disagreeing about bouldering logistics 😂 We’re all grown-ups and can make our own decisions. I get out a fair bit and have a reasonable idea of what I’m doing. 

Aye - despite the various dislikes to my post, I wasn't really disagreeing, I just wondered if you had thought about using the main parking, which you obviously have! So no worries. I genuinely hadn't realised that Curbar and Froggatt were that long, but totally see your point about wanting the most direct route when you are carrying a stack of pads - I find carrying my one pad and small bag with shoes, water etc in it enough of a pain. Three pads is real commitment to the cause! Have a good boulder when you do head out. 

Post edited at 09:36
 TobyA 20 Jun 2023
In reply to deepsoup:

> Probably not as much as you save when you go back down again from the top!

Someone was telling me recently that late in evenings when there's no one around to bother, it makes a rather exciting but occasionally frame snapping mountain bike descent!

OP ChrisBrooke 20 Jun 2023
In reply to TobyA:

Ha! No worries. I wasn't trying to argue on the internets....

Thanks. I'm almost always on a solo mission, and when a problem is high or with an awkward landing I take a decent stack of pads in which case every approach meter counts, so I'm quite anal about logistics. When I did Trellis (f7A) at Burbage South for instance, I had three on my back and an extra borrowed pad in hand. That was a tiring, but fortunately fairly short walk. When I do West Side Story I'll probably just shuttle pads from the car as it's so close. And so on.

The easiest thing would be to have friends who also boulder, but I'm not very nice to be around 😏

Post edited at 11:33

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