Kalymnos car hire mid April

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 sheffieldchris 28 Feb 2023


going to be in a group of 4 so need a bit bigger car for the week what are the chances of getting one there as have seen how narrow the roads are.

Also we are all a little too long in the tooth to be on scooters.

 would you hire before going or just tip up off the ferry and sort one out, we do have accommodation sorted and i am also kind of thinking how expensive would it be to just get a taxi to the crag and back each day. We are also out in the sticks not in the town so fewer places we could walk to without a car.

 Andy Chubb 28 Feb 2023
In reply to sheffieldchris:

This guy will sort you out and meet you off the ferry with the car. Used him many times. Never had a problem, but I was careful not to park under trees such that the goats could climb onto the roof of the car to get at the leaves!

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