Llech Ddu conditions

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Having missed the June window to get onto this crag it'd be nice to make use of the current weather if possible.

Can anyone local/knowledgeable comment on likely conditions? We're particularly looking at The Groove or Great Corner (although I see that there might have been a rockfall in the upper pitches).

 ebdon 07 Sep 2023
In reply to Frank the Husky:

From experience of doing the groove after a mega dry spell (even then it was still pretty slimy) I would imagine p2 would be quite wet still at the moment.

In reply to ebdon:

Thanks. I'm guessing you still managed in in some form or another though?

I missed the best time to do it this year as I was up in Scotland, but I'm still hopeful.

In reply to Frank the Husky:

We did the groove about this time of year after a dry spell. I was the support act for a hard rock mission and was supposed to get the odd pitches. Halfway up the first I put a sketchy sling over a tiny flake, came back down and said "This is your problem". Pitch one was sawanobori ending in a harrowing pull into a dripping jungle. It got better after that, but not better enough to make up for it.

 ebdon 07 Sep 2023
In reply to Frank the Husky:

Yes, it was fine, I think the grade includes some level of slime, all part of the experience! you can bridge past most of it but need to get a bit involved for the gear.

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