Vans in Hoy

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 Ramon Marin 14 Jun 2023

Does anyone know whether it's worth/possible taking vans over to Hoy? I'm thinking doing a trip via Caithness and I was wondering what are the logistics if you want to stay up there for a few days.


In reply to Ramon Marin:

> Does anyone know whether it's worth/possible taking vans over to Hoy? I'm thinking doing a trip via Caithness and I was wondering what are the logistics if you want to stay up there for a few days.

I've been in a Vivaro the two times I've been and had no problems. There's a carpark in Rackwick Bay, with public toilets a short walk away, which acts as a perfect base. The only thing you might want to check is whether or not larger vans are accommodated on the ferry, but other than that you'll be good to go.

 Andy Moles 14 Jun 2023
In reply to Ramon Marin:

When I went some years ago with a group of six of us, we took the one van on the ferry, shared the cost, and used that as taxi to Rackwick Bay (figuring that there probably aren't many traffic police on Hoy checking seatbelts). Bit naughty, but low hassle.

 henwardian 14 Jun 2023
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

> I've been in a Vivaro the two times I've been and had no problems. There's a carpark in Rackwick Bay, with public toilets a short walk away, which acts as a perfect base. The only thing you might want to check is whether or not larger vans are accommodated on the ferry, but other than that you'll be good to go.

What Rob said. You will have no problem getting a van on the ferry, it takes 40 tonne trucks.

Also, you need to take the Houton ferry because the Stromness one is passenger only and while there is usually space if you just turn up  on spec, I would recommend booking if you don't want to risk disappointment.

If you haven't seen it already, there is some info on new routes on Hoy that I and others did a few years ago here:

 henwardian 14 Jun 2023
In reply to Andy Moles:

> figuring that there probably aren't many traffic police on Hoy checking seatbelts

Yup, I think you're pretty safe. One time when I was eating a meal somewhere down near Longhope I said something to my friend about drinks and whether we could have one with dinner if driving back to Rackwick and one of the locals laughed loudly and said something like "Even if the cops did decide to come over on the ferry today, they certainly never stay after the last one goes back to Orkney Mainland, how do you think we're all getting home?!"

 Sealwife 14 Jun 2023
In reply to Ramon Marin:

Ferries to Hoy.

You will have to come via mainland Orkney.  There’s no direct ferry to Hoy from Caithness.

If taking a vehicle you can either use Pentland Ferries from Gills Bay to St Margaret’s Hope or Northlink Ferries from Scrabster to Stromness. Pentland Ferries is slightly cheaper for non island residents.

Then Orkney Ferries Houton to Lyness to get you onto Hoy with a vehicle.  They also operate a foot passenger ferry from Stromness to Moaness on Hoy.  There is a minibus service you can book from Moaness to Rackwick run by Mr A Clark. 

Definitely book the Houton to Lyness ferry if you are taking a vehicle.  It gets booked up very quickly in the summer months and there’s a very good chance you won’t get your preferred sailing if you just turn up.  

 Jenny C 14 Jun 2023
In reply to henwardian:

A friend who grew up on one of the smaller Islands used to just 'borrow' a car, no car ferry there and one of those island where the keys were kept safe in the ignition. He skipered one of the dive boats, so if that was in harbour and a car missing.... 

​​​​​​As above, you can be pretty sure the locals will know when the police get on a ferry to one of the islands. Island life is rather different to what most of us are familiar with, much more trust but also the freedom to be very naughtily (so long as you don't cause an accident).

 Neil Morrison 15 Jun 2023
In reply to Ramon Marin: make sure you build in a couple of days at Yesnaby, on Mainland Orkney, you won’t regret it.

OP Ramon Marin 15 Jun 2023
In reply to Neil Morrison:

Oh yes that's in the plan, thanks

OP Ramon Marin 15 Jun 2023
In reply to henwardian:

That's really good! I didn't know there was such a database. Some good looking lines. 

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