Kit Hire in Kathmandu

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 Peggy 05 Sep 2022


Off to climb Mera peak in October, could anyone possibly recommend a kit hire shop? Looking for down sleeping bag and possibly double boots for the summit day something like sportiva G2…. Just trying to save space/weight in hold bag.


 65 06 Sep 2022
In reply to Peggy:

My goodness I badly need new specs. I thought, that’s a long way for a wedding, as I read ‘kilt hire in Kathmandu.’

Post edited at 09:58
 Kimberley 07 Sep 2022
In reply to Peggy:

You can hire both at Shona's in KTM just google it.

Surely your international hold bag allows 23kg which is more than enough to take your own?

Post edited at 21:15
 BigBoyDanny 07 Sep 2022
In reply to Peggy:

I don't have a specific place to hire in mind, but there are literarily hundreds of places in Thamel to buy and hire kit at a moments notice if you have a spare hour or two when there! 

I wouldn't be surprised if there was tea house very close to Mera Peak BC that would hire you decent B3 boots for the few days that you will need them. Most agencies will know if this is the case.

Enjoy and good luck  

OP Peggy 07 Sep 2022
In reply to BigBoyDanny:

Great thanks!

 Pigeon Reaper 26 Sep 2022
In reply to Peggy:

Not sure how much experience you have so it's hard to be specific. You'll get gear in Kathmandu but it can be busy and hard to gauge the prices if you're stuck for time. Use Dollars or Euro for larger value items or if you don't want to change to a lot of Rupees. Feel free to haggle. Watch out for conterfeit stuff in Thamel it's generally second rate and full of feathers instead of down. Unbranded locally made items can be very good but check to be sure.

I'd suggest calling the exp leader and see if you can get stuff up in Lukla or at a teahouse. This avoids the weight limit flying to Lukla and means less to carry. Check the crampons fit the boots well in advance of needing them. I'll be up at Mera towards the end of October. Drop an email if you need anything else.

 Axel Smeets 26 Sep 2022
In reply to Peggy:

Another shout for Shona's. A supermarket of gear crammed inside the space of a corner shop. They hire and sell gear. 

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