(Extra) Large Sized B3 Boots

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 Doghouse 10 Dec 2023

I have the mis-fortune of having very large oddly shaped feet and am really struggling to source a B3 boot in a size anywhere near that will fit me.

I've tried Scarpa Phantom Tech in 49s and they're tight across the instep so I'm looking for size 50. Does anyone know of any manufacturers or UK suppliers that stock/sell size 50s?  The only ones I've managed to find online are Nepal Extremes at Needlesports but this feels like I'm going back 20 years!

Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.

 MG 10 Dec 2023
In reply to Doghouse:

I have size 50 and use Nepal's, which I find great. I think La Sportiva do a few other models in large sizes but may be tricky to source in the UK. Look at Meindl too. Possibly not B3 but definitely large sizes available.

OP Doghouse 10 Dec 2023
In reply to MG:

Thanks.  I've looked at Meindl and they do larger sizes in walking boots but their B3 only goes up to 12.   As I say I had Nepals 20 years ago and they were amazing after wearing plastics but they don't seem to have changed much since and look quite heavy compared to more modern boots.

 MG 10 Dec 2023
In reply to Doghouse:

>  have changed much since and look quite heavy compared to more modern boots.

They are!!

I just had a quick look and I see Scarpa Mantas go to size 50. Might be worth look?

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