NEW ROUTE CARD: Sgùrr a' Chaorachain: a slice of Applecross

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 Norman Hadley 17 Sep 2023
On the map, the Applecross peninsula looks as if the gods, on a particularly raucous stag weekend, hurled an axe into the sea. To the Gaelic speaker, this is A' Chomraich: the Sanctuary. To the Munro monomaniac, this is terra whybothera. But there are two fine Corbetts, a staggeringly impressive mountain pass, miles of fantastic coast and spectacular views over to Skye. This route is unusual because tarmac boosts you to a whopping 626m. This puts Sgùrr a' Chaorachain in a whole other category of west coast hill, in a region that typically requires a pull from barely above sea-level. This opens up the option of a quick outing, diplomatically squeezable into a family holiday.

4.23 miles, 6.80 km, 375m ascent, 2 – 2:30 hours. Lochcarron

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