Eshaness - anyone for a climb today!!

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 Cam Forrest 31 Jan 2024

Storm Ingunn seems to be hitting Eshaness, just a bit.... (30+m cliffs)

 muppetfilter 31 Jan 2024
In reply to Cam Forrest:

Why not pop to Mavis Grind for a bit of soggy fun ?

 Lankyman 31 Jan 2024
In reply to muppetfilter:

> Why not pop to Mavis Grind for a bit of soggy fun ?

Ooh you are awful! But I like you.

OP Cam Forrest 31 Jan 2024
In reply to Cam Forrest:

Irony doesn't work.

But I've never seen anything like that on a webcam. Some of these waves are going clean over 100+ foot cliffs.

 Michael Hood 31 Jan 2024
In reply to Cam Forrest:

Nice day for a bit of sea kayaking maybe?

 Andy Long 31 Jan 2024
In reply to Cam Forrest:

I've only just logged in so all I can see is darkness with the light scanning across. I assume there were waves breaking over the lighthouse cliffs. Nothing unusual. It was blowing a right old hooley in Lerwick at 8.00 this morning when I finally staggered back from our last Up-Helly Aa venue wearing my sequinned mini-skirt and blonde wig.

 Deri Jones 01 Feb 2024
In reply to Andy Long:

I remember visiting when I was up on a survey job - fresh scars of coffin sized blocks and the corresponding blocks lobbed hundreds of feet back, very cool to see.

Was there not a quote about the Oceanic (sister ship to the Titanic) when she went aground off Foula that she "Would be there for all time.." and the locals giving her one decent storm to be flattened, which is what happened.

In reply to Deri Jones:

neither of titanic's sisters went aground. one hit a mine and the other scrapped. interested to find out which ship that happened to though!

 sandrow 01 Feb 2024
In reply to Finn of Bristol:

> neither of titanic's sisters went aground. one hit a mine and the other scrapped. interested to find out which ship that happened to though!

I think this is the shipwreck in question:

It wasn't a sister ship of the Titanic.

 Deri Jones 02 Feb 2024
In reply to Finn of Bristol:

Oops, quite right, got my Olympic and Oceanic mixed up, sorry. It was the Oceanic that went down off Foula ( - a predecessor to the Olympic/Titanic class.

Can't remember who told me the story, may have been Andy Long (?), or one of the crew on the pelagic trawlers when discussing Shetland weather - it's mentioned in the Wikipedia article on the wreck though, so not just my memory playing up!

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