Creating a climbing log for children

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 Alex75 27 Jun 2023

Good morning, I’ve created a log book for my self but also want to create one for my children to log their climbs. Is it possible to have multiple logbooks linked to one account or do they all have to be separate accounts.

Thank you.  

 remus Global Crag Moderator 27 Jun 2023
In reply to Alex75:

Pretty sure they'd need to have separate accounts.

 gooberman-hill 27 Jun 2023
In reply to Alex75:

I had this issue myself with my kids a few years back - when they were young enough not to have email accounts.

With a bit of fiddling (and some kind help from one of the UKC folks) we got it sorted. 

The solution was separate accounts, but all linked to a single email address.

In reply to Alex75

Gmail and some other email providers allow you to use dots in your email address so you could use [email protected] and it would still go to [email protected], but yes, in answer to your question the kids will need their own ukc accounts. 

 Philip 27 Jun 2023
In reply to Stephen Horne - Rockfax:

> In reply to Alex75

> Gmail and some other email providers allow you to use dots in your email address so you could use [email protected] and it would still go to [email protected], but yes, in answer to your question the kids will need their own ukc accounts. 

I think you have that wrong. You can add extra . into your mail. So mickey.mouse@gmail is same as [email protected] but you can't add extra characters. What you can do is append with +

so mickey.mouse+minnie@gmail goes to mickey.mouse and can be tracked using labels in gmail.

 jpd 27 Jun 2023
In reply to Stephen Horne - Rockfax:

That's not how it works. Gmail is "dot-blind" in that it ignores the dots when resolving email addresses, so [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] will all go to the same mailbox. But you can't add arbitrary prefixes and expect the same thing to work. Otherwise mail for rod.smith, jane.smith and freddie.smith (and every other {firstname}.smith) would all end up in the inbox of whoever registered "smith" on its own.

So, while you could use dot patterns to create variations of your email address, remembering them might be tricky.

An easier way to do it (if you are using gmail) is to make use of its +suffix feature.  (Caveat, I haven't actually used this for years, so test it first.) Just add "+" and some text after your regular email address, but before the @, and any messages will go to the primary email address. (So mail addressed to [email protected] and [email protected] will all get delivered to [email protected].)    

In reply to jpd:

You're absolutely correct, I meant plus but wrote dot

 joeramsay 27 Jun 2023
In reply to Alex75:

As an alternative, you could have them in your partners by name only (ie don't link to any account). Then when they are old enough to have their own account you can just link that partner to their account and the logs will be merged. This way assumes that everything they climb before they are old enough to be independent will be with you, but it has the advantage that it will be easy to transfer the log to them when they get a bit older and more obsessive about logging (plus you only have to maintain one log)

OP Alex75 27 Jun 2023
In reply to gooberman-hill:

This would be ideal, I’m happy to create their own accounts but link them to my email. It’s what I tried to do and met an impasse. 

 gooberman-hill 27 Jun 2023
In reply to Alex75:

I've tried searching my emails,but sadly I can't find anything (although ended up finding an interesting conversation with Graham Harrison about a first ascent in Glen Etive)

If I remember rightly I was able to create two accounts with the same email address, but it screwed all sorts of stuff up with my account - I guess that from the coding perspective if was an edge case that no-one had ever thought about. I think someone at UKC sorted my account out and fixed things. Not too much later my daughter got an email address which solved the problem. I'm guessing that they altered the code to stop the issue happening again.

Sorry I can't help more. 

OP Alex75 28 Jun 2023
In reply to gooberman-hill:

Thanks very much for looking, I’ll try and get hold of someone at UKC. 

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