Downloading UKClimbing crags option

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 SkirtingBoard 13 Jan 2021

Hi, when I use Rockfax on my work tablet (Samsung galaxy tab thing) I can see many more crags on the map, particularly bouldering areas, which have been downloaded from UKClimbing. However, unfortunately I can't find this option on my iphone which I use far more, particularly when out and about climbing. I've got the most up to date version so am I missing something or is this option not available on iphone? It's a brilliant feature so would be great if it could be done or added on a future update. Thanks!

In reply to SkirtingBoard:

Is the ukc-crag option on in your map filters on the iPhone (see screenshot)?

If it is, but you're still not seeing the crags you expect, can you send me a support request from within the app so I can go over the log file it attaches.

Settings->Help and Support->Email Us

OP SkirtingBoard 13 Jan 2021
In reply to Stephen Horne - Rockfax:

Hi Stephen, thanks for the reply. I didn't even realise there was a filters option, have now looked for it and it's there. I think what confused me is the option seems to be in settings on the Android tablet version but not there on the iphone. Appreciate the help - as I said it's a great feature.

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