Forcing Android app to upload logged climbs

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 Luke90 07 Jun 2019

Having minor trouble with the Android Rockfax app. I logged some climbs yesterday in an area with no signal, which show up in my logbook on the app but don't seem to want to sync with UKC's servers now that I have service again. Any way to force a sync? Or am I just being impatient?

Last time I logged climbs in a flaky signal area, half of them uploaded twice, now I've got the opposite problem.

The app has definitely been connected with UKC's servers because when I looked at it yesterday, the app's version of the logbook was lacking some climbs that I recently logged on UKC which have now synced with the app's copy of the logbook.

Cheers for any advice.

In reply to Luke90:

Hi Luke,

That's odd. You can log ascents when offline/out of singal range and the app should attempt to try and upload these ascents the next time you open the app.

I'll take a look into it.


OP Luke90 07 Jun 2019
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

Yes, that's how I assumed it would work. Thanks for looking into it. Let me know if I can help by providing any info.

 Suncream 07 Jun 2019
In reply to Luke90:

Exactly as you describe.

I have had climbs uploading twice, and then appearing twice in the app. I had to manually delete the duplicates. I've also had ones that took ages to appear on UKC on the logbook, but if I go to the specific route on UKC the tick is there.

I probably should have reported these issues here as you have but when signal is patchy it's hard!

Post edited at 22:33
OP Luke90 07 Jun 2019
In reply to Suncream:

> I've also had ones that took ages to appear on UKC on the logbook, but if I go to the specific route on UKC the tick is there.

That's not happening in my case. No sign of the logs on UKC at all.

 Suncream 21 Jul 2019
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

I'm definitely getting the same problem as OP.  None of my climbs from yesterday are on my UKC logbook, and I think I had internet at the time I entered them into the app.

Also, my wishlist hasn't been syncing at all - not sure if it's meant to though.

 Si dH 21 Jul 2019
In reply to Suncream:

I've had problems too.  Climbs logged in the app don't get added on ukc. 

In reply to Luke90:

Hi folks,

Sorry, we are planning to take more time to tackle this issue however the last few weeks we've been busy with other work. It's a bit of a pain trying to work out why this is happening. I'll give an update here when I have it.

In the meantime if you experience this issue you can email [email protected] with any useful information.


 AshleyLong 27 Jul 2019
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

If it helps adding to the data pool, I'm also experiencing these problems. Been out in the llanberis slate mines today, logged a few climbs which haven't been updated on ukc. Now I'm back with WiFi in the pub, I retro logged a few routes in the app which also haven't updated.



Post edited at 18:13
 robert-hutton 27 Jul 2019
In reply to Luke90:

Same issue but mine adds the Rockfax ones but not the UKC ones, last UKC climbs was 8th july

 Suncream 20 Aug 2019
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

In the app, logging out of my account and logging back in seems to have fixed the issue for me. Everything synced up afterwards. It remains to be seen if this fixes the issue for good though.

In reply to Suncream:

Hmmm OK, thanks for reporting that. 

I'm very sorry I've still not fixed this. Every time I think I'm about to get time to look at it recently someone else pops up. I'll be on it soon. 

If anyone else is experiencing this issue and wants to test this solution and feed back that would be great. It's given me a bit of an idea what might be going on. 

 Max Hangs 20 Aug 2019
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

Logging out and back in to the app worked for me too! Weekend's routes now showing on the website.

 TomCooksey 25 Aug 2019
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

I'm also having logbook sync issues and am happy to help beta test a solution.

For me, I had logged climbs in the app which weren't showing up on the UKC website and also logged climbs on the UKC website which aren't showing up in the app. Signing out and back in again of the app made the climbs I logged on the UKC website show up in the app (which now shows everything) but my logbook on the UKC website is still not showing the routes I logged through the app.

 enotsnad 28 Aug 2019
In reply to TomCooksey:

Yep same here. Was missing stuff on the app that was on UKC and vice versa. I've just logged out and back in which updated the app with the climbs from UKC but the logs that were on the app are sstill miussing from UKC.


Post edited at 14:28

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