Logbooks, am I doing it wrong

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 ChrisBrooke 21 Mar 2023

I've been doing a few logbook searches this morning but have come up with some odd results, with climbs not being returned from the search terms I'm using.


Am I doing something wrong. If I search google for: 'UKC not to be taken away,' I can link straight there, but not if I search in the logbooks. I've noticed it before and it's a bit frustrating. 

 TobyA 21 Mar 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

I've just got the same weird results as you on the logbook page.

Lets try this though: Not to be Taken Away (f6C)

And Poundland (f7B+)

So from the forum page the insert climb and insert crag function seems to work fine. 

 Graeme Hammond 21 Mar 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

Google is usually faster and easier to use. Search for the route/problem/crag name and then just add UKC at the end and it usually comes up as the first result and often still gets it right if you spell it wrong too (as i usually do). Also you can just do it in the address bar at the top of any tab too rather than navigating any pages via UKC first.

Post edited at 10:33
 Martin Bennett 21 Mar 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

I've had the same problem and also found Googling can be more efficient. As someone pointed out above it's also more forgiving of spelling errors/typos, and who doesn't make those, especially with foreign (including Gaelic!) names?

 Tyler 21 Mar 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

There was a thread here yesterday where one of the RF folk said they were rolling out changes to the search later this week so hopefully that will fix things as the search has, of late, been comically bad!

OP ChrisBrooke 21 Mar 2023
In reply to ChrisBrooke:

Thanks folks. Hopefully the updates will help. I remember the last updates were meant to make things more 'forgiving' of loose searches, but when they don't return the perfectly spelled route you're after, something has gone rather wrong. 

Google will quickly find a route in the UKC database, but once I'm in the 'ecosystem' of UKC and quickly looking up multiple routes/problems, it would definitely be good if it worked as it used to!

In fact, I've just entered those example searches again, and it's working fine now. 🤷

Post edited at 11:31

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