Removing downloaded crags on Rockfax

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 trying.soft 09 Aug 2022

Struggling with space, but I cannot find how to remove/delete crags that I've downloaded on the app... Shouldn't be so hard, but it is!



 squarecow 09 Aug 2022
In reply to trying.soft:

There's probably an easier way but I go to the app and click Downloads instead of installed then go to the 'book' and get the list of crags that then offers me a list of the ones I have and haven't downloaded with a bin next to the ones I have. I click that. So for Bell Stand I'd go to Lake District Climbs by clicking that book and then I get the list.

OP trying.soft 09 Aug 2022
In reply to trying.soft:

Many thanks! That's long-winded!

 Chris Craggs Global Crag Moderator 09 Aug 2022
In reply to trying.soft:

Drag left and a bin appears? Works on my iPhone,


OP trying.soft 09 Aug 2022
In reply to Chris Craggs:

> Drag left and a bin appears? Works on my iPhone,

> Chris

Not on Android 

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