Rockfax app still not working.

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 robert-hutton 05 Sep 2022

Is it my phone but have found the android rockfax app to be flaky at best, great for looking at the route line in the  photos, but clicking on the blue (I) and it crash's the app, it used to be the chee dale crags but now the whole of peak limestone and Eastern Grit are crashing 😧

I have deleted the app and Android rockfax folder's, cleaned the system and reinstalled but its just the same, the app is unusable, sent the log files loads of times, I posted the the issue in December 2021 so 9 months and NO progress ☹️

Post edited at 10:46
In reply to robert-hutton:

Hi Robert,

Sorry, I'm aware you've had persistant issues in the past. We've got your reports notted in our issue tracker.

We're currently in the middle of a large update to the Android app in order to resolve long standing bugs and stability issues. We've had to rewrite a large porition of the apps main screen and how it handles it's data during download and install. This is to fix an issue plaguing some users where they were unable to update packages when updates were released - you may have seen some threads by TobyA reporting this. This work will also make the app a lot more maintainable. 

The issue you are referring is something I've looked at a few times. It looks like a strange data issue that occours when the crag is installed. I've been unable to pinpoint exactly what happens that causes this, all I know is some routes end up not having an expected relationship to a crag (this is what is causing your app to crash launching this screen).

I'm planning on launching an update that will give users the option to update their crags if this data issue is detected. I first need to complete this initial bit of work to make sure the update mechanism is working properly though.

I hope this explains the problem a bit. 

On a side note, this update is going to be quite large and as such I will be running a beta channel and asking for test users via the forums.


OP robert-hutton 12 Sep 2022
In reply to Martin McKenna - Rockfax:

Rockfax app has a load if updates, mostly peak limestone plus Stanage, clicked on the green update but just circles and no update now one hour!

 MacaronMatt 12 Sep 2022
In reply to robert-hutton:

I get the same when attempting to download most crag updates (although occasionally some work). I usually leave the spinner going for 5 / 10 mins then restart my phone. When I reopen the app after that the update to the crag is correctly applied.

 John Jefferies 14 Sep 2022
In reply to robert-hutton:

FWIW. The biggest problem I have is that if I've installed a crag, which later has an update available, I can't then use the version I have when I get to the crag - because the app knows there's an update and won't let me use the old data. But once I'm at the crag I can't update it - because there's no signal. Very frustrating.

Actually, I've discovered that there is a way to find the crag. If you can access any of the crags within its guide book, you can then scroll left or right through the other crags to find the one you want. Painful though.

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