UKC logbook help

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 Simon King 20 Jun 2021

I have a new, random Partner appearing in my Logbook. How can I get rid?


 AndyRoss 20 Jun 2021
In reply to Simon King:

I guess you mean they appear in the list of people who have you listed as their partner? I've got a random one in mine too - not worked out how to remove them.

In reply to Simon King:

A few months ago we made a change, as one small click on someone else's partner could add them as your partner. I suspect this is how you got this partner, but if you think it was very recently, I'll try and take a look into how it could've happened.

To remove a partner, simply visit your partners page (, click on the edit icon next to the name, then on the popup, click and confirm the delete button.

Let me know if you have any more issues

Post edited at 09:45
OP Simon King 24 Jun 2021
In reply to AndyRoss:

Cheers. At least I know it's not just me!

OP Simon King 24 Jun 2021
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

Cheers for replying.

I think the issue is the guy doesn't appear on My Partners list so I can't edit, etc.

However when I go to Latest Partners Ascents, there he is...

In reply to Simon King:

I have had a look at your logbook, and I think I know the issue.

On the recent partner ascents page, it uses their UKC name, whereas on the partner list page, it uses the name you gave them.

It should probably be changed to show the nickname you give them.

Can you tell me what user you don't expect to see, I have an idea who it might be, but would be good to confirm. You can also click on their name on the partner list page to see their UKC name, and check if that is the person you are seeing.

Feel free to email me if you don't want to say on here! [email protected]

OP Simon King 24 Jun 2021
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:


Cheers by the way (I'm obvs bored at work!)

In reply to Simon King:

Ah, yea thought it was them. So that person does appear in your logbook, just under a different name! Without giving their name away, you can either click on each person until the "UKC User" is Fresher, or I can email you their name.

OP Simon King 28 Jun 2021
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

Hi Andy. Apologies for dragging this out...I'm guessing when I add a route to my Logbook with a partner, that generates the big blue list if partners, partners which seems fine. It's the names at the bottom of the list...these are guys who have listed me as their Ashley King I have no recollection of ever climbing with and similarly Fresher...the only other factor here is I have done some instructing over the years so this could possibly be where it comes there anyway I can find out what routes/dates I was supposed to have done these routes with these 2 partners?

 Fiona Reid 28 Jun 2021
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

I've got the same issue. It's been happening for a while. One or two people (always the same ones) keep appearing in my list of recent partners and main list of partners. Both show no ascents with me. 

I delete them but then they reappear at some point. It's always the same two users that reappear. Neither are people I know, I've not climbed with them either. 

The two that keep appearing are usernames "whispering nic" and "dave657"

Any help stopping them reappearing would be appreciated 😃

Post edited at 08:50
 flaneur 28 Jun 2021
In reply to Simon King:

See this as an opportunity, contact your virtual partner, and go climbing with them. No need to delete them then! 

In reply to Simon King:

Anyone can add anyone as a partner. it doesn't give them any extra capabilities other than to say they climbed with you (but your name will still abide by your logbook visibility preferences)

That list at the bottom of the partners page is everyone who has you as a partner, whether you have them as a partner or not.

Again, in this instance, Fresher is actually one of your partners

OP Simon King 30 Jun 2021
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

Cheers, who are they?

In reply to Simon King:

Have emailed you their name so as to protect their privacy


 Fresher 30 Jun 2021
In reply to Simon King:

Hi Simon,

I’ve enjoyed our partnership on UKC so I am sad to see you go. All the best for your future ventures without me. 

Stay in touch, Fresher. 

OP Simon King 04 Jul 2021
In reply to Fresher:

Hi Owen. Similarly! Perhaps I'll add you back... actually surprised there aren't more Owen Davies out there! Cheers, Simon

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