Unable to change logbook vote re stars and grades

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 ericinbristol 09 Sep 2022

It would be good to be able to change your vote re grade and stars. There can be various good reasons for this, such as a route having been cleaned, or a vote being based on climbing the wrong line in part or wholly, or just clicking on the wrong thing and realising after. For example, in Hambrook I have recently removed lots of ivy and brambles and also unearthed top-out holds to make them usable again.

Any chance of implementing that?


 Xavierpercy 09 Sep 2022
In reply to ericinbristol:

It shouldn’t be an issue with the Frome Valley stuff in terms of quality ratings. Even when they are clean they only become garbage level routes. 

OP ericinbristol 09 Sep 2022
In reply to Xavierpercy:

. Maybe I should request a setting that locks all Frome Valley votes on the dustbin symbol....

Post edited at 10:20
OP ericinbristol 20 Sep 2022
In reply to ericinbristol:

Bump in the hope of an answer from UKC.

In reply to ericinbristol:

I asked about this a few years ago and the reply was no. I’ve occasionally voted the wrong grade and star quality, it would be a useful addition if it was possible to edit grades & quality.


In reply to ericinbristol:

We are working on this, but after creation of a new system we realised some flaws in it, so it needs further work.

Unfortunately it probably won’t allow you to change any vote before the new system is put in place

OP ericinbristol 22 Sep 2022
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

Fair enough - thanks for the update, and for all the work generally.

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