Voting bug

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 Carlos Montero 26 Jul 2022

There seems to be a bug in the voting system which allows people to vote infinitely on problems. Not sure if this is account wide and may only be an issue on PC and not mobile Saving Private Carlos (f7A)

In reply to Carlos Montero:

Can't seem to replicate this.

Can you walk us through the steps, saying what browser etc you're using too. Can attach screenshots if they help too


 hlburns 27 Jul 2022
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

I've noticed this for a while too! happens when you vote only for the stars and not for a grade.


I can vote in the bin 4 times.  on mobile (android) and desktop (linux chrome and firefox).  If i vote for the grade and stars at the same time they both get frozen

In reply to Carlos Montero:

Yes exactly what Hlburns has described. I also have some kind of hater who goes and bin votes all my new first ascents so could you guys maybe roll those back and fix the bug?

Post edited at 08:05
In reply to Andy Ovens - UKC and UKH:

Hey Andy have you guys had a chance to look at this? Like I’ve mentioned, I’ve got some arseholes bombing all my new FAs with bin votes which isn’t particularly nice.

In reply to Carlos Montero:

Hi Carlos, this should be fixed now.

We have detailed logs of the users that abused it on your FAs. We will take that into account should it happen again.

 steveriley 08 Aug 2022
In reply to Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH:

Hi Paul -

Is the grade voter widget struggling? Trying to use the 'Lower!' button - Chrome/PC/incognito...

In reply to steveriley:

Hi Steve, yes, I'm sorting that now.

In reply to steveriley:

Should be working now. You might need to force refresh to see the changes on a climb page.

If you're on a mobile will clear it just for UKC.

 steveriley 08 Aug 2022
In reply to Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH:

Magic thanks, sorted.

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