getting skins re glued

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Bit of advice please UKC. I have some old skins which are in good condition less for the glue, its seen better days and could do with replacing. Does anybody know anybody who does this (I've asked the manufacturer BD and got a big flat "no buy news skins") or is it easy to do yourself? Any pointers would be gratefully received


 HeMa 26 Mar 2018
In reply to StevoNorthernClimber:

BD gold label glue, a ski waxing iron (or soon to be one) and some old linen bedsheets.

Scissors might also come in handy. Cut/tear bedsheet to be slightly wider than the skins and also a tad longer. You'll need at least a few few per skin (depends on how bad the glue is).

Place linen strip on the skin (or the other way around),  so that the glue sticks to the linen. Apply waxing iron on the linen and see when the glue "melts" into the linen. Rip and repeat with fresh linen until desired level of removal has been made.

Apply new skin glue.... Pro's will also use heat (from waxing iron) and the sheets the skins were on from the shop (similar stuff where stickers are held) to get a nice even surface.

Just remember to get a new iron or the wife will get rather angry, but on the plus side you now have a fancy waxing iron for ski-maintenance. 

 AdrianC 27 Mar 2018
In reply to StevoNorthernClimber:

If the old glue is still there but just a bit lumpy and no longer evenly spread, it's possible to get good results by simply ironing it flat again.  Apply the iron directly to the glue and once it's hot it's quite amenable to being re-spread across the skin, either by pushing it around with the iron or with a scraper.  You can clean the iron afterwards with white fuel.

However if the old glue is mostly not present or full of grit & bits of heather then DIY re-gluing is not as hard as it might sound.  I started my first re-gluing fully expecting an afternoon of cursing then having to be rescued from the fly-paper trap by laughing friends but it was actually fine.  The iron-on glue strips ( are pretty easy to use and I'd definitely go for those if you're doing the whole skin.

The usual method for removing the old glue, as HeMa describes, is to heat it until it will soak into something absorbent but you can save quite a bit of time by heating it directly with your iron then scraping it off.  You can then soak up the last remaining glue with rags.

 JuneBob 28 Mar 2018
In reply to StevoNorthernClimber:

To remove the glue I found using a heat gun and a paint scraper to be quite easy. I then used glue sheets to apply the glue and found that quite tricky. Lots of little bubbles, and cutting away the edges was awkward. Using the BD gold label seems easier when I watched my mate do it, but he hasn't tested the skins yet...

 rocksol 28 Mar 2018
In reply to StevoNorthernClimber:

I use a heat gun/hair dryer and paint scraper  to remove old glue then just apply the glue straight from the tube and spread with aforementioned scraper Not had any probs and glue has lasted 2+years

 damowilk 29 Mar 2018
In reply to StevoNorthernClimber:

I’m a bit lazy and not too handy; I reglued skins once, and decided I wouldn’t again. The annoying part was getting rid of the old, tacky glue, ironing with brown paper again and again.

It’s also not cheap to get it done professionally here, so decided in future I would just sell old ones cheap to anyone willing to reglue them, and buy new ones.

 JDC 30 Mar 2018
In reply to StevoNorthernClimber:

Decathlon did a soldering iron / glue remover tool but they seem to be out of stock - makes life very easy!

 mike.moss 15 Apr 2018
In reply to rocksol:

> I use a heat gun/hair dryer and paint scraper  to remove old glue then just apply the glue straight from the tube and spread with aforementioned scraper Not had any probs and glue has lasted 2+years

I can second this. I used a hairdryer and a scraper with BD Gold Label glue. The instructions are on the box.

I had a little bit of transfer from the glue to my skis the first day I used them. After that they've been a good as new this season.

 Kean 16 Apr 2018
In reply to rocksol:

Another vote for Rocksol's method.

Tried brown paper and it's a real faff imo. Tried reviving the existing glue with various levels of success. Did Rocksol's method last time...heat gun and scraper and really quite easy and (dare I say) fun! Black Diamond Gold Label. Took about an hour to do the pair. Another tip is to tack the skin down to a wooden bench or plank of wood to keep it from moving around. I got a heat gun off Amazon for about £25 & have used it for everything from punching skiboot shells to removing skin glue to getting the Loctited screws off the disc on my a total bargain!

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