Set-up for multiple bindings on one ski?

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 edunn 01 Mar 2018

 . . . not at the same time!

But wondering whether there is anything like a semi-permanent base plate you can attach so that you can swap ski bindings, say a super-lightweight set for touring, and a heavier set for backcountry?

Appreciate that a base-plate would remove some of the weight advantage of the lighter pair, and that if I'm skiing vastly different terrains I should have another set of more appropriate skis, but just wondering if such a thing exists?


 tehmarks 01 Mar 2018
In reply to edunn:

Quiver Killers (threaded inserts, usually used so you can use one binding on multiple skis) might be a solution, depending on where you need holes drilled and what have you. Otherwise yes, you can mount a rail to the ski and mount your bindings to that rather than mounting your bindings directly to the ski.

Quiver Killers would obviously offer you a lot less flexibility.

 galpinos 01 Mar 2018
In reply to edunn:

There used o be the Dynaduke plate from Binding Freedom, allowing a dynafit and duke binding on the same ski.



 kevin stephens 01 Mar 2018
In reply to edunn: a lot of people seem to settle on a single binding to do the lot, eg dynafit beast or radical 2 depending on your weight and style, light enough to tour, robust enough for powerful skiing


 humptydumpty 01 Mar 2018

What's the difference between touring and backcountry?  Is it just the length of the trip?

 OwenM 01 Mar 2018
In reply to humptydumpty:

> What's the difference between touring and backcountry?  Is it just the length of the trip?

Nothing really.

OP edunn 01 Mar 2018
In reply to humptydumpty:

I thought it was that touring is more focused on the up and 'getting places', whereas backcountry is more about heading up so that you can focus on the down.

Honestly though, I'm just a climber with a set of skis, so I have no idea.

Thanks for the other suggestions all!

 Wry Spudding 01 Mar 2018
In reply to edunn:

I use Quiver Killers so that I can easily switch between telemark and alpine bindings. You would need to make sure the hole positions for each binding don't overlap/interfere with each other, but it's pretty straightforward. You do need to be accurate when drilling the ski though - a bench/pillar drill is better than doing it by hand.

For different tele bindings there are telebuddy binding plates - I don't know if there is anything similar for other systems.

 top cat 01 Mar 2018
In reply to edunn:

I use QK on 3 skis, but they are not cheap.  The best solution is a ski per binding, and if getting S/H not much more expensive.

 kevin stephens 01 Mar 2018
In reply to top cat:

Ive got a pair of Whitedot Preachers (169)for sale with QK mounts and Marker Tour bindings for sale.  I find it simpler to ski everything (powder, crud, piste, touring) adequately if not superbly on one pair of 98 waist skis with Dynafit Radical 2 pin bindings

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