Understanding the winter climbing app...

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 FreeloaderJoe 21 Dec 2023

Have been looking at the Winter Climbing app for the last few days. Chapeau to whoever designed it.

Can anyone explain to me what it means if the routes have a line through them and are crossed out. Does it mean they haven't been in a climbable condition this season (e.g. ice routes where there is no ice?)? Or does it means something else ?

For those of you who don't know what it is you can find it here:

 DaveHK 21 Dec 2023
In reply to FreeloaderJoe:

Are crossed out routes not the ones you need to subscribe to get the forecast?

Take any forecast it provides with a hefty pinch of salt. It's useful for giving you ideas or narrowing down areas but not much use for predicting specific routes. 

I've seen a few people placing a worrying amount of faith in it when in my experience it is often very wrong indeed.

Post edited at 08:36

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