Unknown route on Red Tarn - Helvelln

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 Shane1990 21 Dec 2023

Next to the route Wall & Ramp, there is a stepped ice fall to the left of P1. No guidebook I own, nor the wider Internet, seems to have it down as a route. I climbed it last year as the right hand pitch (wall & ramp) was busy. However, I've no idea what it was! I suspect grade IV but unsure. Either way, a lovely little pitch up steep ice. 

Pictures attached for reference!

Does anyone have any idea on the route? 

 petegunn 21 Dec 2023
In reply to Shane1990:

I've not done the red line you have drawn on photo 1 but have climbed the icey line to the right of it (yellow line) From memory it looks rather like your other photo with the slabby wall to the right of the climber.

Post edited at 18:23

 thespecialone 31 Dec 2023
In reply to Shane1990:

Yes did this many years a go, can’t remember when but my mate Paul lead this it was brilliant 

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