Moorside Rocks Graffiti

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We noticed some nasty graffiti at Gardom's Edge (Moorside Rocks) yesterday. It may have been there a while. Just raising it here to bring it to people's attention especially people who might have experience of removing this sort of stuff without damaging the rock.


 The Pylon King 31 Jan 2022
In reply to Alan James - Rockfax:

Could be the next Banksy.

In reply to Alan James - Rockfax:

I've just notified Rob Dyer, Andy Reeve and Jon Fullwood so that they're aware. Andy has experience from removing the spray paint/graffiti up at the Cowperstone a few years ago, so has a good idea as to how this is best done. 

Andy, if you happen to receive this before you see my email let me know if you want a hand in getting it done. I may have to bring a toddler along to help, but I'm happy to give some time wards lending a hand.

In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Before removing (thank you) is it worth a call to the plods it’s someone’s Autograph

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