Vivian Quarry March 2023 Update

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 BMC Cymru 03 Mar 2023

March 2023 Update- Following the major rockfall in 2020- The BMC has now met with the wardens from Padarn Countryside park to discuss the current access. Following the numerous rockfalls, the countryside park has undertaken a geological stability survey. Its unsurprising that this has returned concluding that the majority of the rear of Vivian Quarry is unstable. 

The dive centre that has access to the pool within Vivian will soon be aloud to return with a buffer zone across the lake. The lower footpath through the main entrance will also re-open during 2023 to the public, it has yet to be confirmed if this will allow climbers to return to the area around Mentil Lentils. 

The BMC has discussed the access to the remainder of the quarry and has advised the countryside park on the liability of allowing climbers, this will be reviewed by the countryside park and will be in discussion with the BMC.

It is likely that further rockfall will occur in Vivian Quarry (as with many of the slate quarries), and climbers entering the quarry against the advise do so at their own risk.

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