Yet another Bollihope update

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 RD 14 Jun 2021

At Washpool Crag  Washpool Crags (Bollihope) Jopla Grigio buttress now has belays and hangers reinstated.

I brushed and climbed all the lines but a few holds need some dusting off.

Try to be discreet around the many picnickers.

OP RD 16 Jun 2021
In reply to RD:

There are 6 new climbs are added to Washpool since the hangers have been reinstated.

 Allovesclimbin 16 Jun 2021
In reply to RD:

This sounds good but what is the legal / landowner’s position? 

OP RD 16 Jun 2021
In reply to Allovesclimbin:

Washpool is located on CROW access land. There should be no problems climbing.

I hope to publish a fully agreement following the next BMC Area meet.

Following last years involvement with the Police and their subsequent apology, I'd be very surprised if there are any issues.

There are a lot of people visiting for walking, barbecues etc. So any climbers are a rarity.

 glaramara 19 Jun 2021
In reply to RD:

I Don't know Richard, a guy who identified himself as the game keeper gave me and my mate and another team some hassle. Stuart is going to email u. 

 wintertree 19 Jun 2021
In reply to RD:

You got an apology from Durham Constabulary over the incident last year?  Colour me impressed.  A big thanks to you and anyone else involved in negotiating all this.

We've only driven past Bollihope this year on our way to quieter spots for walking and swimming; it looks like the same circus is going on with a wide range of visitors, not all of whom are respecting the common.  As far as I know, no (literal) clowns have parked their cars in the beck yet this year.  There's a lot more reports of sheep being killed by motorists on the high roads around the area this year which ins't going to help relations with the farmers one jot.

OP RD 20 Jun 2021
In reply to glaramara:


Thanks for letting me know. Yes Stu e-mailed me.

I've forwarded his email on to The BMC.

I'm sure the topic will arise at the next area meet.

If you feel that he has hassled you, then you could let Durham County Council know. He shouldn't be doing that as the landowners have responsibility towards the public for open access land - [email protected] <[email protected]>;


 Root1 20 Jun 2021
In reply to RD:

We were asked to leave last year by the police. They didnt seem to have any knowledge of the CROW legislation. I complained to the police after contacting the BMC, and received an apology. We are allowed access to climb but not  allowed to place bolts. I understand a resolution was negotiated by the BMC with the landowner. So do not see why the gamekeeper was unhappy. Lots of picknickers causing problems. 

Post edited at 16:42
 glaramara 21 Jun 2021
In reply to RD:

The guy was pretty civil, the girl in the other team looked a bit more upset then us though tbh. No doubt Stuart gave you the gist of it. I ain't taking it any further wasn't that big a deal, but wouldn't be surprised if he approaches climbers again. 

 wercat 23 Jun 2021
In reply to glaramara:

gamekeepers need resisting strongly - Round here popular (in the village) walks in the woods have been proscribed by Lowther Estates "Keep Out signs".   On a visit to Crawleyside (Weardale) a few years back (I grew up there in almost total freedom to wander in the 60s-70s) we heard from locals that "The gamekeeper" was telling people to "keep orff the land!!!!" where people had walked in the past.

I think this is some form of backlash since "the right to roam" was legislated.  In the Eden valley there anre now signs keeping people to the footpath exclusively as a kind of ghetto where walking with respect for the rural economy and environment was never a problem before.

None of the foregoing means that I am in any way against adherence to access agreements permitting climbing.  Just bastards trying to keep us locked out of reasonable and careful access to the countryside

Post edited at 11:29

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