Greek car crime

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 Ben Farley 21 Jun 2023

We are heading to Greece for the first time this autumn, in a van. I've heard a few tales of car crime and vehicles getting broken into, especially at Kyparissi. Other people have reported no issues at all.

What are people's experiences? Does it appear to be a big issue? What's Leonidio like for car crime? Is it always best to park in a nearby town or at the campsite and walk, if possible?

In reply to Ben Farley:

We were in Leonidio for April this year and didn't encounter any problems. The locals were exceptionally friendly!

We did have a car though, but even with a van I feel like if you're considerate then you shouldn't have a problem. Don't park in front of people's houses, don't play music at night etc etc. Basically behave how you would like visitors to your town to behave.

 remus Global Crag Moderator 21 Jun 2023
In reply to Ben Farley:

I've been to Leonidio loads and never had any issues, nor been aware of any issues on the crags in the immediate area.

There is a crag a bit further afield called  Geraki Wave that has a bit of a rep for break ins from what I've heard.

OP Ben Farley 21 Jun 2023
In reply to Wide_Mouth_Frog and remus:

Thanks both. Thats useful first hand experience. And yeah, on the whole I think we are considerate van owners. Hence my reference to using a campsite. I've no intention to annoy anyone if I can avoid it. But sensible of W_M_F to flag up potential poor behaviour.

 heleno 23 Jun 2023
In reply to Ben Farley:

We've had two long van trips in Greece, though admittedly the most recent was 2019 so things may have changed.

We heard direct reports of break-ins at Lagada and indirect reports of break-ins at Frygani.

Both Leonidio and Kyparissi felt very safe at the time; it would be a great shame if vehicle crime was now a problem. 

Were the break-ins you heard about at Kyparissi itself, or at Kapsala, a few miles up the road?  Kapsala is isolated but on a main road, and you park above the crag, so it certainly doesn't feel a very safe parking spot.

 mike reed 23 Jun 2023
In reply to Ben Farley:

Difficult times in and around Leonidio. 

There has been some deliberate and targeted car/van crime and vandalism with windows smashed and vans pelted with oranges. 

This is obviously due to the huge number of vans packing into the town square and surrounds, and behaving like they own the place, blocking roads and crag parking spaces and generally being selfish inconsiderate assholes.

Worse, they park in small gangs of 2, 3 or 4 vans in the olive groves, clearly private property and clearly mentioned in the guidebooks as places not to park. Last winter we saw several vans from Germany parked in a row up near Cemetery Gates for days. French vans with 2 tents for company were parked at the start of the Mars path for more than 3 weeks. I kid you not!

What did we really expect to happen when climbers do this? I think we have been really lucky that Greek patience has lasted this long!

So, to be blunt, we have shat in our own bed. By being total tossers, the locals have quite rightly started to object. 

If you come in a van be discreet. Park up near Plaka on the spaces provided or even in the camp sight at Semeli along the road. 

Above all be considerate and respectful to other peoples property and way of life. 

Rant over. 

OP Ben Farley 23 Jun 2023
In reply to mike reed:

Thanks Helen and Mike.

Absolutely spot on about people managing to mess things up, its been the same sad story in so many places. Seeing the state of laybys at Siurana nearly a decade ago was depressing, with crap, paper and even tampons hanging in the vegetation. I dread to think what its like there these days. There are simple ways to limit ones impact when parking up in a van and Mike describes plenty of ways to do exactly thr opposite. Humans are great eh.

We fully intend staying at the campsite at the coast, when at Leonidio. I dont know about any other sites. Although if the crime is that bad, I suspect we will stay away completely. On the whole we tend to visit less popular areas and Leonidio sounds like its rammed with people now.

 heleno 24 Jun 2023
In reply to Ben Farley:

So sad to read Mike's report of the situation in Leonidio 😢.  We have always stayed at the excellent camping Semeli just outside the town.  It really is one of the nicest and friendliest campsites and with an ACSI camping card it's 17 euros for 2 people with EHU.

There are quite a lot of campsites open during the autumn in Greece.  If you don't already have one I thoroughly recommend the ACSI camping card.  If gives you big discounts on campsites out of season and also comes with an app which helps you find campsites which are open near you.

Again, this may be a little out of date, but apart from Leonidio/Kyparissi most of the climbing areas were very quiet 3 years ago.  We particularly liked Meteora, Zobolo, Varasova and Argolis.  On most days we had the crags to ourselves.

OP Ben Farley 24 Jun 2023
In reply to heleno:

Thanks Helen, some useful information there. An ASCI card is on our radar. We have had one before but haven't got round to getting again yet.

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