Mont Blanc - which guide?

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 FockeWulf 16 Feb 2023

Apart from:

Mont Blanc Guides
Chamonix Guides
Chamonix Mont Blanc Guides

Who's also a good guide/guiding company to consider? 


 smithaldo 16 Feb 2023
In reply to FockeWulf:

Depends what you want. For a friendly british guide most of the cham based ones will be good. Kev Avery and Will Harris who post on here are both really nice guys and I'm sure if they were busy they would point you to other people they know who would make sure you have as enjoyable a a time as possible.

Think most will need a training climb with you beforehand though so factor that in.

OP FockeWulf 16 Feb 2023
In reply to FockeWulf:

Yes - have some limited experience with alpine mountaineering. So would essentially be a “beginners” course.  

We were looking for a 5 day course, 2 days acclimatise and practice, then 3 days Mont Blanc.

We are booking on Monday 👍

 Steve Woollard 17 Feb 2023
In reply to FockeWulf:

Frost Guides

 SouthernSteve 17 Feb 2023
In reply to FockeWulf:

Frost Guiding would be a British option, but based in southern Switzerland.

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