Wanted: 100m semi-static rope

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 bpmclimb (user since 10/Sep/06) 17 Apr 2024

I'm after 100m of semi-static, not more than 10mm preferred, looking for a good deal for new, but would also consider light use if in very good condition. Any ideas appreciated - offers, or point me to an online bargain!

Thanks for looking!

 spenser 17 Apr 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

£135 for 10.5mm Beal Contract

They also do 11mm English Braids which is ~£1.67 per m, I've been quite happy with the performance of my 70m static rope in terms of its durability.

I remember them being notably cheaper than anywhere selling thinner static ropes when I bought mine several years ago, however having dragged a 100m 10.5mm static around Lundy for a week I can well understand why you would want something thinner!

Possibly also try some of the caving places like Starless River, or Inglesport (from what I remember there are two types of semi-static defined in the standard with one being strongly preferred for the abseiling into sea cliffs and possibly needing to ascend, but I can't remember which is which and am about to go to bed, I'm sure that one of the cavers on the forum will be able to give you the correct information around this).

 Dave Baker SP5 18 Apr 2024
In reply to spenser: has a diagram showing what you're referring to.

Under "low stretch" there is EN 1891 "type A" and "type B".

Type A are stronger (which is probably what you would want).  My ab rope is an edelrid 9mm (certified "type B") but it's definitely a bit skinnier than I would choose if I were to buy again.

On the topic, something I didn't know when I bought my semi-static is that you're meant to soak them for 24 hours before you use them for the first time.

 mrjonathanr 18 Apr 2024
In reply to spenser:

Also looking, but for something designed to be durable enough for more than just a single contract.

 spenser 18 Apr 2024
In reply to mrjonathanr:

The English Braids 11mm has lasted far better than the Beal Antipodes ropes we had when I was gear secretary for my uni club (which often had ends chopped after 3 days in Pembroke, mine has done several week long sea cliff trips and 7 or 8 weekends and has it's original ends still).

Thanks for the Edelrid link Dave.

Post edited at 12:13
 mrjonathanr 18 Apr 2024
In reply to spenser:

Cheers, that’s good to know. The point about the durability of the ‘contract’ is in the name , but I don’t know how it performs in reality.

Beal Spelenium looks like a good lightweight rope

 fammer 18 Apr 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I have a beal contract and it has so far survived week long trips to Fairhead, Pabbay and Lundy without being chopped. It does definitely feel less durable than other static ropes though so I have taken extra care with rope protectors etc.

 tjhare1 18 Apr 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I've used English Braids Tutus 9mm for a couple of years now for a mix of Dales caving, sea cliff access and top rope soloing. It seems decent enough and was good value. Unlike the fatter Tutus ropes, which are type A, in this diameter it is Type B. But, once you're down at say 9mm you don't have much choice - the vast majority are B.  A brief summary here of the merits of both types can be found at the link below, but for personal use I am happy with 9mm B.

 CantClimbTom 18 Apr 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

It's 10.5 not 10mm so a bit more burly, maybe this is too thick for you? but I've had good luck with "LSK" made by Southern ropes. Bought quite a bit of it, in short lengths (e.g. 60m) and a full spool (200m). As others said for semi static, soak it in cold water for a bit first then dry it.

10.5mm white/yellow fleck in a 100m is £140 item 202756255798

 Dave Cundy 18 Apr 2024
In reply to Dave Baker SP5:

> On the topic, something I didn't know when I bought my semi-static is that you're meant to soak them for 24 hours before you use them for the first time.

Static ropes have a habit of shrinking when they first get wet - something to do with their manufacture, i believe.  Consequently, when us cavers buy a 400m reel of static rope, we soak it first.  You don't want to cut an 80m length and find out that it's now 75m when you come to use it a few months later.

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