Scarpa, Top Company. Proper customer service and green ethic

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 Godwin 15 Apr 2024

I have decided to get some new insoles for my Scarpa Vortex becuase I have worn out the exsiting ones because I have them resoled, and went in Go Outdoors to buy something suitable and got very confused looking at all the weird options, then the lady said why not replace like with like, if they work for you.
So I was going to ask the UKC mob for advice on how to get some, then I had a brainwave, why not google Scarpa and ask them.
Phoned them, told them the issue, and they are posting me some FOC. 
You cannot whack that, my glass is full to the brim today
Three cheers for Scarpa The Mountain Boot Company say I.

 tcashmore 15 Apr 2024
In reply to Godwin:

I concur - my ski boots developed a crack in the toe.  I emailed them asking for advice if possible to fix (e.g. with some form of glue etc), they said send them in so I did and they sent me a brand new replacement pair!  Superb service - would fully recommend Scarpa products and customer service.

In reply to Godwin:

I'll second that. I bought a pair of Scarpa Ribelle Run trail shoes recently from a store. They're generally super comfy but hugely uncomfortable when you traverse any sort of hillside, the shoe entrance being higher than other shoes I've worn and fairly rigid, which means they dig into my ankle bone (so much so that my ankle has worn away some of the fabric after only 85km). I wrote to Scarpa / The Mountain Boot Company and asked their advice. They gave me some and said if it didn't work to let them know and they'll sort me out with another model. 

 olddirtydoggy 15 Apr 2024
In reply to Godwin:

My wife returned a pair of leaking boots and they gave her a new pair of upgraded boots as a gesture of goodwill. On the back of that I switched to Scarpa for my next 2 purchases.

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