Jared Leto climbing. who knew?

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 Derry 10 Nov 2023

Surprised this hasn't already been posted - But Jared Leto from hollywood nonetheless (and 30  seconds to Mars) has been the first person to legally scale the Empire state building. Presuming there's been a few illegal ascents over the years. Alain Robert perhaps?

 plyometrics 10 Nov 2023
In reply to Derry:

Would have been cooler if he’d done it in his cat costume…

 JLS 10 Nov 2023
In reply to Derry:

Curious if it was done on a 350m top-rope as it appears.

I'd have though the potential danger due to rope stretch during a fall would be significant...

 PaulJepson 10 Nov 2023
In reply to Derry:

It's not like him to go for a big attention-grab!

Guy's a creep. 

 deepsoup 10 Nov 2023
In reply to JLS:

> Curious if it was done on a 350m top-rope as it appears.
> I'd have though the potential danger due to rope stretch during a fall would be significant...

It would be on a normal climbing rope, or even a static/semi-static/LSK. 

If was a single very long top rope with no Bear Grylls style camera trickery, my guess is that it would probably have been a dyneema yachting rope with some mechanism at the top to provide a dynamic belay for shock-absorption instead.  (Possibly something quite technological, possibly more old-school along the lines of very skilful belaying using a fairly slick device and great care to ensure that there's never any significant slack.)

This is the kind of thing I'm thinking of - very strong and extremely un-stretchy.  You'd be bonkers to use this to climb on normally, but it is sometimes used for film/TV stunts and the like:

 nufkin 10 Nov 2023
In reply to JLS:

>  Curious if it was done on a 350m top-rope as it appears.

Or did someone else do the leading, only for Jared to bag the top-out pitch and claim the first ascent?

 jon 11 Nov 2023
In reply to Derry:

> Jared Leto climbing. who knew?

I remember reading an account in an American mag - maybe Climbing or R&I - about Jared Leto doing Royal Arches in Yosemite. I had no idea who he was then, and strangely enough, still don't.

Post edited at 20:44
 JimbotheScot 11 Nov 2023

Top roped the last 20 floors, 200m

 JLS 11 Nov 2023
In reply to JimbotheScot:

>”20 floors, 200m”

High ceilings.

 Iamgregp 14 Nov 2023
In reply to Derry:

Who knew?  Me. 

He was right next to me at The Castle one afternoon a few years back, not a bad climber, nothing special but not bad.

 PaulJepson 14 Nov 2023
In reply to Iamgregp:

He had a cringe and self-indulgent climbing video series on youtube a while back where he was at his obnoxious best (did a lot with Honnold).

Worth noting, for anyone who doesn't know, that he has sexual misconduct and assault accusations from young women and underage girls stretching back decades. 

Post edited at 13:55
 slawrence1001 14 Nov 2023
In reply to PaulJepson:

He also runs cultish retreats where he is treated as a messiah (and also sharks on young women).

Or that's what I've heard

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