Can't cancel subscription

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 Btaylor86 10 Nov 2022

Has anyone had any issues cancelling their UKC supporter membership? Unfortunately money is a bit tight in the run up to Xmas so I need to cancel my membership for a few months. 

When I try to cancel it on the UKC site in the account section it just gives me an error page. I've tried emailing support but not had a reply. 

Just wondered if anyone else has had this and if so, how did you manage to resolve it? 

Many thanks, 


In reply to Btaylor86:

Hi Ben,

We’ve just notified the team, so I suspect someone will be in touch shortly - they’re usually very efficient!


In reply to Btaylor86:

Hi Ben,

We're aware of the issue. I'm very close to having a list of accounts that have been affected. I'll deal with your one right now seeing as you've got in touch. It seems to be a small % of our users thankfully, but we have had a few emails in the last few days highlighting this.

I'll drop you an email as part of this.


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