Gilwern Central Station- Grades

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 roblivings88 14 May 2019

I'm new so apologies if this is in the wrong section.

Does anyone know where I can find the grades for the routes on the upper tier of Gilwern Central Station?

There are two tiers to this area around 20 routes on the lower tier and 10+ on the upper tier. The majority of the lower tier and a few of the upper tier routes are listed on the Sportclimbs website but I can't find anything on the remaining routes.

Also, I've noticed this area isn't included on this website, is there a reason? 

Any help appreciated.

 Fatclimber 27 May 2019
In reply to roblivings88:

Can't help on grades etc, but thanks for mentioning it, as I never knew about the crag and went there today. Still this will act as a bump.

 OliverR17 27 May 2019
In reply to roblivings88:


They haven't been mentioned on the South Wales Climbing facebook or wiki so can only assume they're the result of recent bolting activity that hasn't yet been recorded. If anyone knows, it'll probably be Matt Woodfield, who's in the process of writing a new guide for South Wales climbing.

As for why the routes are on sportsclimbs but not UKC, will simply be because nobody has bothered to add them yet!

 Ungabunga73 30 Jun 2019
In reply to OliverR17:

Was there yesterday and noticed a couple more have been bolted, not sure on the grades left of the cave but reckon easily  all under 6.

i know this time last year three routes immediately right of the cave we’re bolted the day we climbed them and are 6B 6B+ and a 6C

would like to know the names and grades myself too as we had a great day yesterday of fun easy climbing with the crag to ourselves all day. 


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