MIA Trainee days

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 mattprince 10 Jul 2018

Hi all, 

I am looking for people to take multi pitch climbing or scrambling in North Wales. Ideally I'd like pairs but can do singles if needs be. 

I am free the following days. 

14th & 15th July 

28th & 29th July

4th & 5th August

11th & 12th August

The usual disclaimers apply
MIA Trainee - As an MIA trainee I do not , as yet, hold the Mountaineering instructor award which is the recognised training qualification for the instruction of scrambling and multi-pitch rock climbing in the UK. I've undergone the training course, but training for an award does not constitute a qualification.

Insurance - I do not hold insurance that allows me to receive payment or benefits in kind for instruction, but as a volunteer with membership of a mountaineering council of the UK or Eire I am insured for third party liability. These topics will need to be discussed in detail and agreed before an activity is conducted.

Thanks in advance. 


 The Ivanator 10 Jul 2018
In reply to mattprince:

Hi Matt,

            I would be up for doing one of the August dates with you. Would be me and my 6 year old son if you are up for that. I'm a fairly experienced (although mediocre) climber (log and profile are up to date), my son Noah has seconded some outdoor climbing - mix of easy single pitch trad and sport, plus one multipitch V Diff at Wintour's Leap. Would be up for some longer routes or scrambles - stuff like Idwal slabs, Cneifion arete, easier routes on Tryfan East Face would fit the bill for us. I have all the gear for myself and Noah.

Happy to provide transport if it helps (we'd be driving up from Hampshire) and get drinks/eats in. Slight preference for the 4th and 5th August if the weather plays ball.

Let me know if that would work for you, cheers,


Boffstrong 10 Jul 2018
In reply to mattprince:

Hi Matt,

I would love to do 11-12 August with you if that weekend is free?

It would be me and a friend, both relative newbies, done indoor toproping and bouldering.

Let me know what works for you,



lookingforjugs 11 Jul 2018
In reply to mattprince:

Hello Matt, my  daughter is doing outdoor adventure at college she has done one Mia training day last year with Kelly Evans, at the moment she is away freelance kayak instructing I can't get in touch with her at this moment but I know she wants to do another and would be available at the end of July also staying with us at the moment is a young French boy who wants to learn to climb trad he is already a good sport climber and would like to partner her on this day they are both over 18. She may contact you herself if she reads your post I apologize for doubling up if she does! Many thanks for the offer Keith

My daughter's name is Rowan Sweeting

 bonebag 13 Jul 2018
In reply to mattprince:

Matt, my wife and I may be interested in Saturday 28th July if you are still free. I need to check with her first for definite. My mobile is 07902283202.


Jon and Ann

 chem_j 14 Jul 2018
In reply to mattprince:


Short notice but I would love to go out tomorrow (15th) if you need anyone. I'm staying in Betws-y-Coed the next few nights and I'm keen to get out. I've climbed with MIA trainees before so I know the drill. My number is 07786477764.


Post edited at 20:14
 The Ivanator 16 Jul 2018
In reply to mattprince:

Hi Matt, Would be good to know if you are keen to take any of these offers up. Noah and I would still be up for 4th/5th August if you are available.

Let me know - either email me through my profile or post on this thread.

Thanks, Ivan.

 The Ivanator 18 Jul 2018
In reply to The Ivanator:

Hi Matt,

Looks like myself and a longtime lapsed climbing partner have plans for the first weekend in August now. Hope you find suitable folks to get your pre assessment supervision in. 

Good Luck,


In reply to mattprince:

Hi Matt 

My wife and I could do the 29th July if its available.  We both climb regularly on trad but would benefit from a day out multi pitching.

OP mattprince 19 Jul 2018
In reply to mattprince:


Hi all, 


Thanks for all the messages. 

Due to a change with my work shifts I know have the 10th & 11th August free and also the 18th & 19th August. 


Thanks in advance. 


 LOwen 06 Aug 2018
In reply to mattprince:

Hi Matt, 


It is only me but if you are still looking to give multi-pitch tuition August 12th, I am very keen and happy to get myself to North Wales. Drop me an email and we can swap numbers if this works for you.  ([email protected]


edit: I have just read your previous post, I can be available Friday 10th August


Post edited at 12:02
 Mick53 06 Aug 2018
In reply to mattprince:

Hi Matt,

I can be in North Wales for 10th and/or 11th August. I’m interested in doing some ropework for scrambling if that’s up your street? I’m a relative newbie but have done a fair bit of ropework through a Winter Mountaineering Course and an Alpine Mountaineering Course but would like some more input on basic ropework skills for scrambling.

kind Regards.






OP mattprince 08 Aug 2018
In reply to Mick53:

Hi Mick, 

Drop me an email [email protected] and we can talk more about scrambling on the 11th August if you're still available. 



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