Todmorden Climbing Centre

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 RJML 11 Jan 2023

Hello! Hope this is in the right thread/is allowed.

Just wondering if anyone climbs at Todmorden Climbing Centre? If so, would you recommend it for a near beginner?

I recently started bouldering at Rock Over in Manchester which works well for the days I am in the office but is quite far to travel at the weekend or when I am working from home.

Looking to find somewhere a bit more local to me (Rossendale) where I could pop in should I have a spare couple of hours to fall off things left, right and centre.

Couldn’t find much info online about this place hence the ask. 

Appreciate any feedback!



OP RJML 12 Jan 2023
In reply to RJML:

Oops just realised it’s Todmorden Climbing Wall… not ‘Centre’

 ripper 12 Jan 2023
In reply to RJML:

I grew up in Tod and still go back often to visit family but have never used the wall, however I did bump into the owner while out walking my dog recently, he spotted me as a climber from the chalkbag I use to carry treats and poobags, and was keen to tell me about how it used to cater largely for kids but is now more focused on 'proper' climbers, with a better spread of difficulty. Hopefully someone with more experience will be along in a bit to give you a more useful answer!

OP RJML 12 Jan 2023
In reply to ripper:

Cheers for that - good to know!

Yeah I get that vibe from a few really old photos I have seen online.

Perhaps I will just have to do it the old fashioned way and go look for myself in person! Haha!

Thanks again!

 greg_may_ 12 Jan 2023
In reply to RJML:

I thought it was very much a "kids" venue - would be happy to hear otherwise as I'm only down the road! 

 Bulls Crack 12 Jan 2023
In reply to RJML:

Is it as good as Mytholmroyd Community centre wall though? 

OP RJML 13 Jan 2023
In reply to greg_may_:

Yeah me too! I will try to pop down one day and will post an update on this thread when I know more!

OP RJML 13 Jan 2023
In reply to Bulls Crack:

Ah I’m not sure as I haven’t visited that one either… if I’m honest, I didn’t know that it existed.

Would you recommend the Mytholmyoyd Community Centre one?

 greg_may_ 13 Jan 2023
In reply to Bulls Crack:

Hah. Mini Depot innt. 

 Dog Dave 14 Jan 2023
In reply to RJML:

Not used for a couple of years but it would be fine for a beginner assuming nothing changed dramatically- it’s more like walls used to be, friendly, nothing fancy

there is a decent boulder wall on one side and roped routes the other, not massively high compared to expensive modern walls but plenty to learn on. No auto belays so you need a climbing mate or an instructor for the ropes but if in your own could spend an evening on the boulder problems.

they certainly did run kids sessions as well like a climbing after school thing but I’ve used at the same time and was never an issue, enough space for both

 Bulls Crack 15 Jan 2023
In reply to RJML:

Somewhat limited and must admit I've never actually used it!

OP RJML 16 Jan 2023
In reply to Dog Dave:

Cheers for that! I’ll pop down one evening and give it a go!

I may even drop a few pictures on here in case others want to see what it’s like these days.

Would be great to have somewhere local to climb indoors and save me from journeying into Manchester each time.

 Phil West 17 Jan 2023
In reply to RJML:

I live about 40 seconds away, have lived here 16 years and have been twice. That probably tells you all you need to know. It's okaaaaay, if a little primitive. It may have had new stuff in the last couple of years though so don't not go and check it out. Let me know what you think.

I was a big Rock Over fan and used to go in my lunchbreak but following redundancy during the pandemic, I'm now working in Leeds centre (well, largely WFH) and the walls there are too far for a lunch visit unfortunately.


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