Deep Water Solo Travel Insurance

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 jcking231 23 Apr 2024

Heading out to Mallorca for an annual DWS trip in a couple of weeks. I usually take out the BMC travel insurance but it's unavailable at the moment and seems to have been for some time.

Does anyone have any recommendations for alternatives that will cover a trip of this nature without breaking the bank?

EDIT: I've looked at going with their recommended insurer direct but there's no listing that specifies DWS cover

Post edited at 14:06
In reply to jcking231:


Is it time we had a pinned thread for this? Or does anyone have reason to believe that the BMC is going to stop alternating between broken and insanely expensive any time soon...

OP jcking231 29 Apr 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Perfect, thank you!

For anyone else reading this - Snowcards "Extreme Adventure" package explicity covers deep water solo

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